Code Zero and Asymmetrical Spinnaker or Gennaker Furling | NS Furling Gear

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ns furling gear

Code Zero and Asymmetrical Spinnaker or Gennaker furling gear

Meet high quality but affordable continuous line roller furlers handpicked and reviewed for sailor’s convenience.

Please contact us for an individual invoice and a shipping quote for your destination:

Furling systems and accessories for gennakers, Code Zero, asymmetric spinnakers, cruising chutes, catamaran screechers as well as jibs, genoas and staystails:

Gennaker / Spinnaker furlers – NS Furling Gear aluminum – NS Series:

ns1.2 code zero furler
for 26′ yachts or sails up to 30 sq.m.
€ 410
$ 450
ns1.2 top-down furler
for asymmetrical spinnakers up to 40 sq.m.
€ 470
$ 510
ns1.2 furler sets
furling systems for up to 26′ sailboats
ns1.5 code zero furler
for 36′ yachts or sails up to 60 sq.m.
€ 540
$ 590
ns1.5 top-down furler
for asymmetrical spinnakers up to 80 sq.m.
€ 620
$ 680
ns1.5 furler sets
furling systems for up to 36′ sailboats
ns2.5 code zero furler
for 45′ yachts or sails up to 100 sq.m.
€ 840
$ 920
ns2.5 top-down furler
for asymmetrical spinnakers up to 150 sq.m.
€ 950
$ 1040
ns2.5 furler sets
furling systems for up to 45′ sailboats
ns5 code zero furler
Code Zero Furler NS 5.0
for 55′ yachts or sails up to 140 sq.m.
€ 1350
$ 1390
ns5 top-down furler
Asymmetrical Spinnaker Furler NS 5.0 Top-Down
for asymmetrical spinnakers up to 200 sq.m.
€ 1740
$ 1790

Code Zero Furling systems are meant to furl sails with a “straight” luff like staysails, Code Zero and other cruising Code power sails, Drifter, sailing catamaran Screecher and the like.

Top-Down Furling systems are meant to furl sails with a “soft” luff like asymmetrical spinnakers and gennakers, Code 2-6, reachers, large A-sails and similar.

Order a fitting spinnaker for your NS Furling System:

Asymmetrical spinnaker A2 type
€ 570
$ 620
custom asymmetrical spinnaker
Custom NS gennaker, per sq.m.
Individual project asymmetrical spinnaker
from $ 25

Complete your NS furling system set with a fitting sail. Order any type of asymmetrical spinnaker for cruise or racing: standard or custom, woven or laminate. We will help you to measure your rig and choose the best possible sail complementing your boat, sailing area, your wishes and budget.

Genoa and Jib Furlers NS Furling Gear:

jib furler ns1.5 race
for 26′ yachts or sails up to 12 sq.m.
€ 590
$ 640
ns genoa furler with a luff foil
NS Genoa Jib Furler with a luff foil
for boats 28-36′ or sails up to 38 sq.m.
€ 1450
$ 1590
Worldwide shipping starting at
€ 55 | $ 60

The NS Genoa Jib Furler is equipped with aluminum luff foil sections and a swivel for leading the genoa halyard through the mast and to the cockpit. Additional foil sections can be ordered if necessary. The NS Genoa allows you to reef the jib. The sail should be used with a luff tape.

The NS Race Genoa Furler system consists of a lower drum, upper swivel and a halyard swivel. The NS Race is compact, but does not allow you to reef the sail area of the jib while underway. The sail must be with jib hanks, webbing or a zipper along the luff.

Order NS sails:

We are accepting orders on any cruising or racing sails. In a collaboration with best sail makers, who are familiar with NS Furling Gear and know how to do a sail appropriate for NS furlers, we can help you to choose the right sail just for You. You are welcome to seek advice on assembling furling system for any boat. We are ready to help you put together proper and most convenient furling gear.

order NS sails

NS Furling Gear model lineup includes contemporary analogues of G25 and G30 as well as a gennaker furlers for bigger yachts up to 55′. Model index indicates working load in tons. Furlers are made of aviation aluminum, which allows to combine durability and light weight in each product.

A unique feature of the NS Furling Gear range is the ability to complement a furler with a halyard swivel and use the system in a racing fashion with an endless loop. Ceramic bearings provide a smooth furler rotation, and thanks to the special design of the flange of the drum, the working line does not slip. A special NS Furling Gear coating protects your furlers and accessories from scratches, salt and UV.

Gennaker furlers of NS Furling Gear model line is designed not only for Code 0 sails with the luff that may be stretched in line from head to tack, but also for sails like large gennakers and asymmetric spinnakers with a “soft” luff which usually 8-10% longer than head to tack distance. Top-Down models allow you to tightly furl a free flying gennaker from top to bottom – from head to tack without air bubbles in the upper part of the sail.

NS1.2 Code Zero is an analogue to following furlers: G25, Selden CX10, Ronstan Series 80, Facnor FX 900, Karver KF0.9, Profurl Nex 0.9.

NS1.2 Top-Down is an analogue to following furlers: G25TD, Selden GX7.5, Ronstan Series 80 Top Down, Facnor Fast FX+ 900, Karver KF0.9, Profurl SpiNex 0.9.

NS1.5 Code Zero is an analogue to following furlers: G30, Selden CX15, Harken Reflex Unit 1, Ronstan Series 120, Facnor FX+ 1500, Karver KF1.5, Profurl Nex 1.5.

NS1.5 Top-Down is an analogue to following furlers: G30TD, Selden GX10, Harken Reflex Unit 1, Ronstan Series 120 Top Down, Facnor Fast FX+ 1500, Karver KTS1.5 SPI, Profurl Spinex 1.5.

NS2.5 Code Zero is an analogue to following furlers: Selden CX25, Harken Reflex Unit 2, Ronstan Series 160, Facnor FX+ 2500, Karver KF2, Profurl Nex 2.5.

NS2.5 Top-Down is an analogue to following furlers: Selden GX15, Harken Reflex Unit 2, Ronstan Series 160 Top Down, Facnor Fast FX+ 2500, Karver KTSF3.0 SPI, Profurl Spinex 2.5.

NS5.0 Code Zero is an analogue to following furlers: Selden CX45, Harken Reflex Unit 3, Ronstan Series 200, Facnor FX+ 4500, Karver KF4.5, Profurl Nex 4.0

NS5.0 Top-Down is an analogue to following furlers: Selden GX45, Harken Reflex Unit 3, Ronstan Series 200 Top Down, Facnor Fast FX+ 4500, Karver KTS4.5 SPI, Profurl Spinex 4.0

NS Furling Gear Accessories:

ns anti-torsion cable set
12-20m NS Evo torque cable + clamps + thimbles
€ 290
$ 310
ns endless rope loop 10mm
10-14m /w NS57 bungee block
€ 170
$ 190
ns endless rope loop 8mm
4-12m /w NS38 bungee block
€ 130
$ 140
ns endless rope loop 6mm
up to 10m /w NS28 bungee block
€ 110
$ 120
ratchet block
NS57 ratchet
57 mm aluminum ball-bearing block
€ 55
$ 60
ratchet block NS 38 mm
NS38 ratchet
38 mm aluminum ball-bearing block
€ 35
$ 40
furling line stanchion mounted double fairleads
Stanchion mounted fairleads
2 double furling line leads
€ 70
$ 80
adjustable pulpit blocks
Adjustable pulpit blocks
2 control line leads
€ 110
$ 120
double blocks NS38 to lead furling line to cockpit
Furling line leading blocks
3 double NS38 blocks
€ 110
$ 120
Sheet Blocks38mm
NS38 Sheet Blocks
2 ball-bearing aluminum 38mm blocks
€ 35
$ 40
57mm Sheet Blocks
NS57 Sheet Blocks
2 ball-bearing aluminum 57mm blocks
for sailboats up to 32′
€ 75
$ 80
75mm Sheet Blocks
NS75 Sheet Blocks
2 ball-bearing aluminum 75mm blocks
for sailboats up to 45′
€ 170
$ 180
Halyard swivel for 6mm stay
Halyard swivel for 6mm stay
for continuous line jib furler without luff foil
€ 220
$ 240
ns top-down adapter
Universal NS4.5 Top-Down Adapter
for furlers on yachts over 45′
€ 390
$ 430
ns low friction rings
NS Low Friction Rings
14х8 / 21х10 (4 pcs set)
€ 45
$ 50
Worldwide shipping
€ 55 | $ 60

NS Furling Gear offers not only furlers, but also related accessories: blocks for the control line, clamps for an anti-torsion cable, low friction rings. The double cam fiddle block allows you to work with a continuous line of the gennaker with two hands from the center of the cockpit, as well as carry-over the furling system from yacht to yacht, since there is no need to precisely adjust the rope length. Clamps are designed as an aesthetic and secure way to finish the ends of a torque cable in the Code 0 luff or the soft stay of a large gennaker top-down system.

  • ns halyard swivel specification
  • ns halyard swivel
  • Universal NS4.5 Top-Down adapter for asymmetrical furlers data
  • Universal NS4.5 Top-Down adapter for asymmetrical furlers
  • NS Low friction rings 21х10 set of 4 pcs
  • NS Low friction rings

Gennaker / Spinnaker furlers – NS Furling Gear stainless steel – G Series:

ns g25 code zero furler
for 26′ yachts or sails up to 30 sq.m.
ns g25 top-down furler
for asymmetrical spinnakers up to 40 sq.m.
ns g30 code zero furler
for 36′ yachts or sails up to 60 sq.m.
ns g30 top-down furler
for asymmetrical spinnakers up to 80 sq.m.

Gennaker furlers NS G25 and G30 working load is 1.2 and 1.5 ton accordingly. These furlers are made of stainless steel and have a very robust build featuring a modular installation of a Top-Down adapter for furling large A-sails, asymmetric spinnakers and cruising chutes having luffs typically 8-10% longer than head to tack distance.

  • basic gennaker furler system
  • G25 code 0 furler drawing
  • top-down gennaker furler system
  • G30 code 0 furler drawing
  • how does gennaker furler work principles drawing

G25 Code Zero is an analogue to following furlers: NS1.2, Selden CX10, Ronstan Series 80, Facnor FX+ 900, Karver KF0.9, Profurl Nex 0.9.

G25 Top-Down is an analogue to following furlers: NS1.2 Top-Down, Selden GX7.5, Ronstan Series 80 Top Down, Facnor Fast FX+ 900, Profurl Spinex 0.9.

G30 Code Zero is an analogue to following furlers: NS1.5, Selden CX15, Harken Reflex Unit 1, Ronstan Series 120, Facnor FX+ 1500, Karver KF1.5, Profurl Nex 1.5.

G30 Top-Down is an analogue to following furlers: NS1.5TD, Selden GX10, Harken Reflex Unit 1, Ronstan Series 120 Top-Down, Facnor Fast FX+ 1500, Karver KSF1.5 Top-Down, Profurl SpiNex 1.5.

Jib furlers NS Furling Gear with an aluminium luff foil – M series:

ns m25 luff foil genoa jib furler
Luff foil jib furler NS M25
for 24′ yachts or sails up to 14 sq.m.
ns m28 luff foil genoa jib furler
Luff foil jib furler NS M28
for 28′ yachts or sails up to 17 sq.m.
ns m33 luff foil genoa jib furler
Luff foil jib furler NS M33
for 33′ yachts or sails up to 20 sq.m.

NS M Series Jib Furler package includes roller drum, high quality aluminium luff foil sections with connectors, a rotational swivel used for leading genoa halyard through the mast and upper cap for the luff foil end.